XML Fixture

The basic structure to an rvtest XML fixture is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <stimulus name="Stimulus" delay="1000">
        <stimulus name="XMLFormatStimulus" delay="1000">
        <response name="TestResponseForURI" minexpected="1" maxexpected="2" comparisonMethod="EQUALS">
        <data key="key" value="value"/>


Stimuli contain any number of Stimulus nodes and are used to drive an RV test fixture. A Stimulus represents one or more TibRv messages that should be sent as part of a test fixture. Each Stimulus element has the following required attributes.

nameThe name of the stimulus. This is used for tracking and does not impact the test execution.
delayThe interval to delay after sending a message. Specified in milliseconds.

In the XML Format the Stimulus can defined using the following ways.

Inline RV Message Format

<stimulus name="TestStimulus" delay="1000">
        <rvfield name="PinNumber" value="1234" type="string"/>
        <rvfield name="UserId" value="Albert Einstein" type="string"/>

URI Message Handlers

<stimulus name="URIStimulus" delay="1000">


Each fixture defines a series of Responses. The test fixture uses these as reference messages and performs a comparison between the actual and expected messages. This comparison is configurable. Each Response element has the following required attributes

nameThe name of the response This is used for tracking and does not impact the test execution.
minexpectedThe minimum number of times this message must be received in the testing window.
maxexpectedThe maximum number of times the message must be received in the testing window.
comparisonMethodThe comparison to be performed on the message. Allowed values are EQUALS, EQUALSIGNORE, and NONE

Responses can be defined using the following ways:

Inline RV Message Format

<response name="TestResponse" minexpected="1" maxexpected="2" comparisonMethod="EQUALSIGNORE">
        <rvfield name="PinNumber" value="1234" type="string"/>
        <rvfield name="UserId" value="Albert Einstein" type="string"/>
        <rvfield name="OrderId" value="3.14" type="float"/>
        <rvfield name="TradingGroup" value="FX" type="string"/>

URI Message Handlers

<response name="TestResponseForURI" minexpected="1" maxexpected="2" comparisonMethod="EQUALS">