Javadoc Report

  Generating Javadoc
  Javadoc execution
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.config...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.digester...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.fixture...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.load...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.load.config...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.load.output...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.load.output.csv...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.load.value...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.message...
  Loading source files for package com.reuters.msgtest.tibrvfields...
  Constructing Javadoc information...
  Standard Doclet version 1.4.2_02
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\constant-values.html...
  Copying file C:\Documents and Settings\pfryan.IDIOTBOX\.maven\cache\maven-javadoc-plugin-1.6.1\plugin-resources\stylesheet.css to file target\docs\apidocs\stylesheet.css...
  Building tree for all the packages and classes...
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\com\reuters\msgtest\digester\class-use\RvMessage.html...
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  This sentence is different from what will be interpreted as the first sentence in the
  next major release (when that interpretation will be internationalized), which is:
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  To avoid this note, change the doc comment to make this a proper first sentence, then
  use -breakiterator from that point forward, which will output this new sentence.
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  Building index for all the packages and classes...
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\config\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @return tag has no arguments.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\index-all.html...
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  "Array Manipulation java tech tips ref
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "Array Manipulation java tech tips ref"
  Building index for all classes...
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\com\reuters\msgtest\ArrayUtility.html...
  "Array Manipulation java tech tips ref"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "Array Manipulation java tech tips ref"
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\ warning - @todo is an unknown tag.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\Response.html...
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\com\reuters\msgtest\fixture\Stimulus.html...
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? (m2ward)"
  This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  "todo should this be pulled to an interface? "
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @param argument "stimulus" is not a parameter name.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @param argument "receivedRecords" is not a parameter name.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @param argument "receivedRecords" is not a parameter name.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\ warning - @param argument "level" is not a parameter name.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\output\csv\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\output\csv\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\output\csv\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\output\csv\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
  src\main\com\reuters\msgtest\load\output\csv\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: BadDelimiterException
  Generating target\docs\apidocs\help-doc.html...
  25 warnings